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Re: XSLT processor based on SAX

Bovone Stefano wrote:
> Hello everybody.
> I'm looking for a XSLT processor based on SAX parser. I have to work with
> big XML files (400 Mb).

I guess you are looking for an XSLT processor capable of
processing large input files with limited ressources.
Using a SAX parser does not imply that the processor
wont eat up all your memory and asks for more. Resource
utilization depends heavily on the transformaion itself.
Think of writing the input elements to the result in
reverse order.

You can try the latest Xalan version, it is capable of
doing what you want, within limits. If this doesn't work,
ask here or on the Xalan list again, include your XSLT
and a representative snippet of your input XML.

Alternatively, write a SAX filter, however, this hasn't
much to do with XSLT.


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